Above And Beyond


the funded trader competition

The funded trader competition is a program offered by trading firms that allows traders to compete for the opportunity to receive funding to trade the markets. Traders are typically required to trade with a demo account and achieve a certain level of profitability and risk management before being considered for funding.

The program offers traders the chance to trade with larger amounts of capital and keep a portion of their profits, while the trading firms benefit from the trading fees generated by successful traders. While the program can be a great opportunity for traders to grow their trading accounts, it is important to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of each program and ensure that they align with one’s trading goals and strategies.


  • Access to funding: One of the main benefits of the funded trader competition is that successful traders have the opportunity to trade with larger amounts of capital than they might have access to otherwise. This can help traders to potentially earn higher profits from their trades.
  • Real-world trading experience: Participating in a funded trader competition allows traders to gain valuable experience trading in a real-world environment, without risking their own capital. This can help traders to develop their skills and strategies more quickly and effectively.
  • Support and resources: Many funded trader programs offer educational resources, training, and support to help traders improve their performance. This can include access to trading tools and software, personalized coaching, and ongoing feedback and analysis.
  • Potential for profit sharing: Some funded trader programs offer profit-sharing arrangements, where successful traders are able to keep a portion of the profits generated from their trades. This can provide an additional incentive for traders to perform well and achieve their trading goals.


  • Risk of loss: Just like with any trading activity, there is always the risk of losses when participating in a funded trader competition. Traders may be required to meet certain performance targets in order to maintain their funding, which can put additional pressure on their trading decisions and potentially lead to larger losses.
  • Stringent requirements: Many funded trader programs have strict requirements that traders must meet in order to qualify for funding or maintain their trading accounts. This can include meeting certain performance metrics, adhering to specific trading strategies or rules, and paying fees or sharing profits with the funding provider.

The Funded Trader Program December Competition. What's new?

What is a funded trader competition?

A funded trader competition is a program offered by certain trading firms or brokers that provides traders with the opportunity to trade with a larger amount of capital than they might have access to otherwise. Traders compete for the opportunity to receive funding and are often required to meet specific performance metrics in order to maintain their accounts.

How does a funded trader competition work?

The specific mechanics of a funded trader competition may vary depending on the program. However, in general, traders will need to meet certain performance targets in order to qualify for funding or maintain their accounts. This may include meeting specific profit and loss targets, adhering to specific trading rules or methodologies, and paying fees or sharing profits with the funding provider.

Can anyone participate in a funded trader competition?

Most funded trader competitions are open to traders who meet certain minimum qualifications, such as a minimum level of trading experience or a certain level of capital. However, specific requirements may vary depending on the program.

Would participating in a funded trader competition be a good opportunity for me?

Whether or not participating in a funded trader competition is a good opportunity for you will depend on your individual trading goals and experience level. If you are a skilled trader looking to grow your account and gain valuable experience, a funded trader program may be a good fit for you. However, it’s important to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of each program and ensure that they align with your trading goals and strategies.

Should I pay to participate in a funded trader competition?

It’s important to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of each program before paying to participate in a funded trader competition. Some programs may charge fees for access to funding or other resources, while others may offer free access in exchange for a profit-sharing arrangement. Consider your individual trading goals and weigh the costs and potential benefits of each program before making a decision.

Do all funded trader competitions have the same requirements?

No, the specific requirements of each funded trader competition may vary depending on the program. Some programs may have more stringent requirements than others, such as higher performance targets or more restrictive trading rules. It’s important to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of each program and ensure that they align with your trading goals and strategies.

Is participating in a funded trader competition risky?

Like any form of trading, participating in a funded trader competition carries risks. Traders may be required to meet certain performance targets or adhere to specific risk management rules, which can put additional pressure on their trading decisions and potentially lead to losses. However, with proper risk management and a solid trading strategy, the potential rewards of participating in a funded trader competition can outweigh the risks.

Are all funded trader competitions created equal?

No, the specific terms and conditions of each funded trader competition can vary significantly. Some programs may offer more funding or provide more support and resources to traders, while others may have more stringent requirements or charge higher fees. It’s important to carefully evaluate the terms and conditions of each program and consider your individual trading goals and strategies before making a decision.

Was participating in a funded trader competition a good opportunity for me?

Whether or not participating in a funded trader competition was a good opportunity for you will depend on your individual trading goals and experience. If you were able to meet the performance targets and grow your account while gaining valuable experience, it may have been a worthwhile opportunity. However, if you struggled to meet the requirements or found the program to be too restrictive, it may not have been the best fit for you.

Have traders been successful in funded trader competitions?

Yes, many traders have been successful in funded trader competitions and have been able to grow their accounts and earn profits through trading. However, success will depend on a variety of factors, including individual trading skill, market conditions, and the specific requirements of the program.


the funded trader competition can be an attractive opportunity for experienced traders looking to access additional capital and take their trading to the next level. By meeting specific performance targets and adhering to certain trading rules, traders can potentially earn access to significant funding and enjoy the benefits of increased trading capital. However,


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